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mon 4 roues, la réserve d'huile a explosé en grattant.....!

mini pro 165

Publications recommandés

Polaris Tech Service Bulletin


Polaris, TSB, PCV Breather Hose, 600/700, #S-03-05
March 05 2003
Jan 15 2004

Polaris along with many other brands have a crankcase ventilation hose, freeze up problem.
The tube, which originates from the valve cover and enters the air box, can get blocked with ice that is formed by condensation. When this happens, there is no way of relieving crankcase pressure and the weakest part of your engine will fail (valve cover, dipstick, oil pan, etc.)
The correct procedure (recommended by Polaris) is to cut a small slit in this tube, as close as possible to the valve cover (lots of heat and will never freeze in this area) This serves as an escape route, for any pressure should the hose freeze up. Otherwise if you blow the valve cover and do not notice it guess what happens? (I know of several cases in my area that led to motor failure due to oil starvation). This only happens in extreme cold -20c and below and will happen to quads stored outdoors that do not get to thaw out, they simply build more and more ice until it's finally blocked.
Another thing to check is that the hose is routed so it does not have any low spots. ( a U shape somewhere along it's path) If it does, the condensation/water will not be allowed to flow freely into the air box where it is supposed to go and when it dips below freezing, you get an ice cube in the system.

Jan 15 2004
Edit: Polaris has now released a TSB (Technical service bulletin) regarding this matter. The onus was put in the dealers hands to contact the customer in areas only where cold temps are seen on a regular basis. In general. Canada and the Northern States. I would not rely on your dealer contacting you as we all know how lazy some can be! If you own a 02, 03 or early 04, the TSB applies to you. If you have a 04 and are not sure, just look at the PCV hose which goes from the front of the airbox (left side) to the engine valve cover. If the hose is a plain black rubber hose and has a small in-line filter, you need to have it done. If the hose is a black rubber one but has a foil type insulation sleeve around it and no filter, then the mod is already done from the factory. You can see this hose by simply removing the seat.
The TSB is #S-03-05 and the part # is 2202744

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ok j'ai vu dans l'autre poste...2004


La hose de ton "vent" au dessus de la tank ne doit pas etre fendu comme les années plus récente...ils ont rajouter cette fente pour permettre d'aérer la tank au cas ou la condensation gelerait dans le breather.


Si tu fais juste changer la tank, ça peut se reproduire, si tu change la hose pour une nouvelle (le # de pieces est changer) ou fait une fente sur la tienne, t'auras plus jamais de trouble...


Donne rien de changer de 4 roues pour ça...


Les autres modeles sont pas a l'abri non plus, et c'est encore pire pour ceux qui couche dehors ou qui sont dans une garage non chauffé...


ET vérifier donc vos hose pour est certain qu'il n'y a pas un endroit plus bas que le reste de la ligne ou l'eau pourrait rester prit et geler ensuite...



 tu as raison, il y a 30 minutes j'ai arrêtté chez le mécano polaris...., il m'a dit la même chose que toi, égrandir la fente sur la hose.....! ;)  :)


vais regarder ca en ta.....


 crime, mon 4 roues est comme un neuf..., pas abimé du tout, je prends soins de ca au boutte....., ne me tente pas de changer.... :(


 un popo c'est un vrai de vrai 4x4, en mode 4x4 les 4 roues ont de la traction...., pas 2 roues en arrières et une en avant qui tourne quand ca y tente...., les 4 roues tournent , ca passe en ta..... ;)

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Polaris Tech Service Bulletin


Polaris, TSB, PCV Breather Hose, 600/700, #S-03-05

March 05 2003


Jan 15 2004

Polaris along with many other brands have a crankcase ventilation hose, freeze up problem.

The tube, which originates from the valve cover and enters the air box, can get blocked with ice that is formed by condensation. When this happens, there is no way of relieving crankcase pressure and the weakest part of your engine will fail (valve cover, dipstick, oil pan, etc.)

The correct procedure (recommended by Polaris) is to cut a small slit in this tube, as close as possible to the valve cover (lots of heat and will never freeze in this area) This serves as an escape route, for any pressure should the hose freeze up. Otherwise if you blow the valve cover and do not notice it guess what happens? (I know of several cases in my area that led to motor failure due to oil starvation). This only happens in extreme cold -20c and below and will happen to quads stored outdoors that do not get to thaw out, they simply build more and more ice until it's finally blocked.

Another thing to check is that the hose is routed so it does not have any low spots. ( a U shape somewhere along it's path) If it does, the condensation/water will not be allowed to flow freely into the air box where it is supposed to go and when it dips below freezing, you get an ice cube in the system.

Jan 15 2004

Edit: Polaris has now released a TSB (Technical service bulletin) regarding this matter. The onus was put in the dealers hands to contact the customer in areas only where cold temps are seen on a regular basis. In general. Canada and the Northern States. I would not rely on your dealer contacting you as we all know how lazy some can be! If you own a 02, 03 or early 04, the TSB applies to you. If you have a 04 and are not sure, just look at the PCV hose which goes from the front of the airbox (left side) to the engine valve cover. If the hose is a plain black rubber hose and has a small in-line filter, you need to have it done. If the hose is a black rubber one but has a foil type insulation sleeve around it and no filter, then the mod is already done from the factory. You can see this hose by simply removing the seat.

The TSB is #S-03-05 and the part # is 2202744



 AAA+++, SUPER CA.....!!!


 check ca.....

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P'tit comique! ... est bonne...


Je trouve qu'on a généralement le réflexe de jeter facilement au lieu d'avoir le réflexe de réparer.

Bien sûr il faut que cela en vaille la peine$.


Je ne suis pas entièrement contre cette pratique.

Ça m'a permis d'avoir un paquet de bidules à très bon prix que je n'aurais pas pu m'acheter à plein prix. ;)

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P'tit comique! ... est bonne...


Je trouve qu'on a généralement le réflexe de jeter facilement au lieu d'avoir le réflexe de réparer.

Bien sûr il faut que cela en vaille la peine$.


Je ne suis pas entièrement contre cette pratique.

Ça m'a permis d'avoir un paquet de bidules à très bon prix que je n'aurais pas pu m'acheter à plein prix. ;)

Comme pour mes moteurs hors-bord... ;)

Un moment donné, çà vaut la peine de se casser le bécyk !

Mais d'autres fois...  Çà dépends du bobo !

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Pourquoi changer d'auto parce qu'on fait une crevaison?

C'est un peu la même chose pour ton popo.

Répare en améliorant et oublie.

C'est pas le même coût$. 



 la seule chose....,si tu répares et ca pète encore et encore....., cé ma coche qui va pèter..... :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


 vais l'apporter chez le mécano Daniel Girad, il va faire les modifications nécéssaire pour ne pu que ca pète..... ;), mais si ca repète encore, le popo va prendre le bord....., en aurai pu jamais confiance..... :huh:   

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